Monday, October 31, 2011

blog 3: The End of Overeating

The End of Overeating is about the epidemic that is hitting America hard. Obesity is running rampant and the food is leading cause. Food is so processed that it is so hard to find food that is actually organic. Food gets its taste from a factory in New Jersey, they create the chemicals that make our food taste so good. McDonald's is a good example of this, their foods all taste the same, but it is high in fat, sugar, and salt which to our brains is like taking drugs. The pleasure response is so great that we want to keep eating and we gorge on food until we are stuffed. Our appetite is smaller than the amount of food we actually eat, we just continue to eat because it is pleasurable. It goes from palatable to Hyper-palatable, in plain English it goes from food that tastes good to food that tastes so good we can't stop eating it. Tests on rats show food with high fat and high sugar is chosen more than cocaine. Both are put in front of them and the rats choose fat and sugar more, its addicting and it tastes good. The ability to control our eating habits soon may no longer be ours.

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